Non-Invasive Fat Reduction In San Antonio

What You May Not Know 
It’s no wonder we fight unwanted fat. We live in an age of hurried convenience, prepared foods, constant connectivity and running our lives from phone and computer sc
reens. Good in many ways, but not so great for our waistlines. We want to get rid of our unwanted fat without pain, without downtime and without disruption from our day-to-day life.

Thank goodness we live in an age of modern medical technology. Medical experts continue to work at a fast pace developing new non-invasive body contouring options to meet out demands. But with so many choices, how do we choose smartly?

Seek Care From a Reputable Non-Invasive Body Contouring Expert

Even before researching treatment options, choose the practice. Once you’re serious about having a treatment to reduce fat, seek out a practice with expertise in non-invasive body contouring. Just as you would not go to your gynecologist for spine surgery, you should not go to someone who doesn’t specialize in non-invasive body shaping for non-invasive body shaping. Nothing against your gynecologist, she just does not specialize in spine surgery. You want targeted expertise.

Make sure you seek care with a practice you know something about. Since it’s not commonplace to discuss fat reduction with your friends or co-workers, most likely you’ll need to search other sources. Look at reviews on Google, RealSelf and FaceBook to give you insight about the practice. Find out the names of the physicians associated with the practice and find out the credentials of who will be performing the treatment. Look at the practice’s before/after photos and read the practice’s patient testimonials. Choose a practice with local roots in the community, a good reputation and a good record of results.

Finally, make sure you feel comfortable at the practice. Do you feel like they are really listening to you? Are you getting guidance and information during your visit? Do you feel comfortable asking questions and are your questions being addressed? Does the staff seem knowledgeable? You must feel a trust in the practice.

Busy Life? Choose a Treatment with No Downtime or Recovery Time

We don’t want to miss work, meetings, soccer games, etc. While most non-invasive treatments don’t have real downtime, some of the non-invasive procedures cause side effects that may require lifestyle modifications. For example, Coolsculpting® creates a temporary hardening and raised area of the tissue which can take weeks or months to soften and flatten. Coolsculpting® can also create numbness, tingling, pain, swelling and bruising. The numbness, tingling and pain may last up to several months. Sculpsure®, by contrast, does not cause any significant swelling, pain or numbness.

Want to Avoid Pain? Choose a Treatment with Minimal Discomfort

It goes without saying. We want to avoid pain. Many patients find it difficult to tolerate the freezing, suction-based applicators of Coolsculpting® and the pain and numbness that lingers afterwards for several weeks to several months. In comparison, Sculpsure® treatments are not painful. Sculpsure® treatments create cycles of heating and cooling which can cause an achy discomfort for some patients. When administered by a practice experienced in Sculpsure® treatments, Sculpsure® is very well tolerated.

Want Minimal Disruption to Your Day? Choose a Treatment that is Quick

You don’t want to spend hours of your day destroying fat. Be aware of a key difference between Coolsculpting® and Sculpsure®. A Sculpsure® treatment takes half the time of a Coolsculpting® treatment.


With so many practices pitching non-invasive fat reduction treatments, you need to know how to choose. Select your practice wisely. Avoid the urge to price-shop. Choose instead based upon quality of care, level of expertise, a record of good results and a record of multiple satisfied patients.

While many non-invasive fat reduction treatments accomplish good results, remember there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Consider each option carefully to determine what fits your needs and goals.

For more information about choosing your non-invasive body contouring practice and non-invasive body contouring treatment, contact the body shaping experts at Sculpt Away in San Antonio at 210-227-3051 or visit

Ready To Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options
and look your very best.