San Antonio SculpSure, Lipo Laser, Zerona Laser, i-Lipo, Confusing, Isn’t It?

“Drop a dress size or two and lose weight with Laser Fat Treatment!”  “Get half off on your Laser Fat Removal!  Call us to lose 6 inches and 30 pounds!” You’ve heard the claims.  They are not only tempting; they are confusing and also misleading.  Let me explain.


Fat Cell Destruction = permanent = fat cells gone, no new fat cells

Please understand that you can have your unwanted fat permanently reduced with Sculpsure™.  The Sculpsure™ device utilizes a proprietary laser with a 1060 nm wavelength that targets the adipocyte (fat cell) and creates a process called apoptosis (natural fat cell death).  Your body’s lymphatic system then eliminates these dead fat cells over a period of 6-12 weeks.  At 12 weeks, these fat cells are gone and your body will not make new fat cells to replace them.  As a result, the FDA has approved Sculpsure™ as a treatment for permanent fat cell reduction.

Low Level Laser (Cold Laser) – Zerona®, i-Lipo, Lipo Laser, Erchonia™, i-LipoXcell™

Fat Cell Shrinking = temporary = your fat cells expand if you gain any weight.

A non-invasive device or treatment by any name other than Sculpsure™, even if it contains the word “laser” or “lipo” in the name, will not eliminate fat cells.  Some of these treatments mentioned might be i-Lipo, Zerona® Laser Lipo, Erchonia™, and i-LipoXcell™, to name a few.  These products use the Low Level Laser technology, a 635 nm “cold laser.” At most, these devices shrink the fat cell (as in dieting) and a shrunk fat cell may fill up with fat again.  Experts at the National Institute of Health (NIH) recently concluded that there exists a lack of adequate studies wherein the efficacy of Low Level Laser Treatment as a stand-alone procedure for fat reduction has been proven. (See Low-Level Laser Therapy for Fat Layer Reduction: A Complete Review, Arci, M.D., et al, HHS Author Peer-Reviewed Manuscript published in final edited form as:  Lasers Surg Med. 2013 Aug: 45(6): 349-357.)  What does that mean?  It means that the Low Level Laser as a body contouring treatment is controversial, that medical experts are not convinced that Low Level Laser works, or if it works, how it works.  Listen carefully to those promoting this technology for body contouring.  They incorporate a very low calorie diet, RX medication and an exercise regimen with the treatments.  Couldn’t you lose weight (shrinking your fat cells) when you are on prescription meds, consuming very few calories and working out without the treatment?  The FDA has approved Low Level Laser as a treatment for circumferential reduction, not fat cell reduction.

Difference in What Sculpsure™ Does & What Low Level Laser Does

There is a difference in what Sculpsure™ does – causes fat cell destruction and what Low Level Laser (Lipo Laser, Zerona®, i-Lipo, etc.) does – shrinks some fat cells.  With Sculpsure™, the destroyed fat cells are gone and therefore can never increase in size.  With Low Level Laser, the fat cells may be less full after treatment, but they are not gone and can expand and grow in size again.

Difference in What You Have to Do with Sculpsure™ & with Low Level Laser

There is a difference in what you have to do with Sculpsure™ and what you have to do with Low Level Laser (Zerona®, Lipo Laser, i-Lipo, etc.).  With Sculpsure™, you do not need to diet. Sculpsure works without the necessity of changing your lifestyle.  Of course, we encourage you to eat clean and stay active for health benefits.  With Low Level Laser (Lipo Laser, Zerona®, i-Lipo, etc.), you need to greatly reduce your caloric intake and increase your daily exercise to achieve results.

Difference in the Time You Spend for Sculpsure™ & for Low Level Laser

There is a difference in the amount of time you have to spend on treatments.  With Sculpsure™, a single 25-minute treatment (one visit) delivers results.  You return at 6 weeks to see your initial results and at 12 weeks to see your ultimate results.  With Low Level Laser, you need to spend a minimum of 3 treatments (each hour long visits) per week for a minimum of 2 weeks (total of 6 hours) for initial results.


To learn more, contact the body shaping experts at Sculpt Away in San Antonio at 210-227-3051.  Sculpt Away, fast and easy body sculpting.

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