How To Speed Up Fat Loss After a Sculpsure Treatment

Sculpt Away Sculpsure Treatments In San Antonio,Texas


Now that Sculpsure caused fat cell death, your lymphatic system has to go to work!

Follow these instructions to assist your lymphatic system for faster, optimum results.

Do-It-Yourself to assist your Lymphatic System

* Massage the treated area for 5-10 minutes 2 times a day. We recommend using Sculpt Away Slimming Gel with each massage. Adding the Cellu-C Cup enhances the lymphatic massage. Apply Sculpt Away firm + repair crème after each massage for added benefit.

* Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water every day, i.e. if you weight 150 pounds, you drink 75 ounces of water each day. Your lymphatic system eliminates toxins through urine and sweat.

* Drink Herbal Green Tea, which contains diuretic properties. This assists in flushing fluids & toxins. We recommend adding Sculpt Away Cleanse Away supplements for 14-21 days to assist your body to naturally eliminate excess toxins and fluids.

* Take vitamins that help metabolize fat cells like the B complexes & Omega-3 fatty acids. The Sculpt Away Nutraceutical Packs is a great option as it is designed as a fat loss & beauty vitamin & mineral supplement.

* Engage in physical activities like walking, biking or cardio at least 30 minutes daily. This assists your body in mobilizing the fat cells and speeding up the elimination process.

* Eat clean. Eat healthy foods and avoid soft drinks, alcohol, sugars & starchy carbs. This prevents the overloading of your body with unnecessary additional toxins and leads to acceleration of fat & fluids elimination.


Sculpt Away ‘Short Cuts’ to assist your Lymphatic System

It’s hard to ‘do-it-yourself’ 100%, so we encourage these great ‘shortcuts!’

They’re all fast & easy!

* Vibe Away – spend just 10 minutes to get the equivalent of a 30-minute physical activity

* Press Away – naturally ‘press away’ fat, fluids & toxins thru promotion of lymphatic drainage

* Vacuum Therapy – effective treatment to mobilize fat cells and assist the elimination process

* LipoContour Body Wrap – stimulates circulation, encourages elimination of destroyed fat cells

* Infrared Sauna detox naturally and burn up to 600 calories per session

Ready To Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options
and look your very best.