What happens with Weight and SculpSure Treatments

So often patients ask, “I want to reduce my problem areas but I need to lose weight.  Should I wait until I lose weight before I do a permanent fat reduction treatment like Sculpsure?”

Our answer: “It depends,” but in most cases, we recommend doing SculpSure early on.  We have found that this promotes a higher rate of success (happiness & satisfaction) for the patient.  Who wouldn’t be happy with up to 24% of the fat destroyed?!

This holds true regardless of the stage of the diet or need for weight loss.  

  1. If just starting to diet, we encourage patients to use Sculpsure to Kick Start the diet.
  2. If continuing on a diet they’ve been on, we encourage patients to use body Sculpsure to Push On with the diet.
  3. If the patient is close to reaching her goals, we encourage the patient to use Sculpsure to Finish Off the diet.  


Here’s why  

  • Doing SculpSure increases the patient’s motivation and ‘stay power’
  • The patient’s problem areas remain problem areas regardless of weight
  • Doing SculpSure assists patients to reach a faster transformation and inch loss


Motivation and ‘Stay Power’

It takes sacrifice, hard work and just ‘plain grit’ to lose weight, contour and transform your body.  Being on a diet can leave your motivation dwindling.  

It doesn’t matter what diet you’re on, how much you want to lose or even if you’ve already lost tons of weight, your motivation to stay on course will weaken.  

Undergoing a Sculpsure procedure at the beginning or during your weight loss journey motivates you to stay on track.  Patients feel excited knowing they’ve destroyed up to 24% of their unwanted fat and are well on their way to the body they want.  

We’ve seen it time and time again.  During the difficult times of dieting (and there will be plenty), patients reflect about their commitment to transforming with Sculpsure and are much more likely to ‘stay the course’ and succeed.  


Problem Areas Remain with Weight Loss

Stubborn fat in your problem area will not go away with weight loss.  That same problem area was there before you gained weight and it will remain after you lose weight.  

Scientists and medical experts tell us that the stubborn fat in problem areas cannot be reduced by diet and exercise and must be eliminated by medical technology like SculpSure. 


Faster Transformation and Inch Loss

The sooner patients undergo Sculpsure, the sooner they see the inch reduction and the contouring they desire.  We do not want our patients to have to wait until a certain number on the scales to get visible inch loss.  


Next Step

If you have questions about the timing of your body contouring procedure while dieting to lose weight, please come in for Free Consultation.   


Psychological Stages of Weight Loss  

If you’ve lost weight, are losing weight, or are planning to lose weight – expect so many ups and downs before your get to your goal.  

Do you recognize any of these?

  •  The OMG!, my clothes look awful Stage 

Your pants won’t zip

  • The Total Denial Stage

You think maybe those pounds will come off without changes

  •  I’m going to do something about this Stage

You research diets and treatments

  •  I’ve been good for a week Stage

You feel good you made it through a week

  •  The It’s a Special Event Stage

  On no!  You went out with a friend to your favorite Mexican restaurant

  •  The Getting Back on Track Stage

You start over on Monday

  •  The Finally Seeing Results Stage

  You can fit back into your pants!

  •  The Final Countdown Stage

  Just those last 5 pounds to go

  •  You achieved your Goal!  


If you would like more information about weight loss and body contouring treatments, contact the body shaping experts at Sculpt Away in San Antonio at 210-227-3051 or visit www.SculptAway.com.  

Ready To Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options
and look your very best.